Mediaportal gigablue download
Mediaportal gigablue download

mediaportal gigablue download

GB-PVR : free (but not open-source) PVR for Windows.Meedio: Commercial media center for Windows (now defunct, sold to Yahoo!).River Media Center : Commercial, for Windows Showshifter : Commercial PVR and media center for Windows (now defunct).SageTV : Commercial PVR and media center for Windows.MythTV : Personal Video Recorder for Linux.Freevo : An open-source home theatre PC platform based on Linux.Every TV show is enriched with metadata (Posters, plot, actors, directors) and the content is available via API. : A clear TV Listing guide (Italian) with a lightweight interface.SquareEyes : Download and view RadioTimes.TvFox : A daily program guide for Firefox.nxtvepg : EPG with TeleTEXT data source that also can read and write XMLTV files.Yabby TV Guide : A light-weight program for XMLTV listings.NET application to create a personalized TV-guide every week based on your preferences. FreeGuide TV Guide : Java-based application to display personalised TV program listings, uses native XMLTV support.TV-Browser : Java application to display personalized TV/Radio program listings (can use a converter to read XMLTV style files).XSLTv : Browser-based viewer for XMLTV listings.skXMLTV : Superkaramba XML TV Viewer (for Lunix/KDE).OnTV : GNOME Applet for monitoring current and upcoming TV programs.gShowTV : A TV program schedule viewer and a Personal Video Recorder GUI.3 tv listing grabbers not part of XMLTV SF project.

Mediaportal gigablue download